Verse of the Week

"For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgement and the fury of fire which will consume the adversaries." (Hebrews 10: 26-27)


What is your part?

Good morning lovely girls!

Last Sunday morning and last night at Vertical Point, Lane re-introduced our student ministry's mission statement and why our church exists. He also reviewed different ways to reach, grow, and serve within our student ministry As most of us broke out into our small groups last night, there were 2 questions that were asked for discussion.
1) What is your part?
2) Who will you bring along in the journey?

I would LOVE to hear some feedback from you all on what your answers were? Or maybe some awesome things you learned from discussion last night!
Be encouraged that you all are loved and prayed for today.


Thankful for MLK Day?

Hey girls! I reminded you all yesterday about the update of our blog, so here we go!

I know you all are probably enjoying your day considering you were all out of school for MLK Day. You got to sleep in, eat a late breakfast, watch your favorite t.v. shows, spend time with friends, etc ... right?
Well--if you find boredom at any point in your day today, or if you can just carve out about 15 minutes to open up God's word for some encouragement and growth, let's do it! It's so important!

I was just thinking through ways to encourage you all and what scripture verse I wanted to use today, and I came across 1 Peter 4:10 and it says "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in various forms."
I love that passage, because I know that God has created each of you differently, therefore, blessing you each with a different gift to use.
Some of us have a gift of encouragement, a gift of service, a gift of hospitality, a gift of teaching, etc ... If you want to read further about the different spiritual gifts, turn to Galatians 5:22-26.
It's an incredible passage!
As believers, we are all one body of Christ. Therefore, each part of the "body" should have a different gift or responsibility to serve God in His Kingdom. I know many of you have INCREDIBLE gifts, I have seen them and heard them. Some of you have beautiful singing voices, play instruments, help out in the nursery, sing in the choir, help assist in a small group, serve within the community, etc. There are many ways to be used by God, so I want to encourage you today and this week, in reference to the passage in 1 Peter, to use your gifts: within your family at home, group of friends at school, or up at the church; whatever the circumstance.
Would love to hear some feedback on what you feel your gift is or maybe ways you have or will use your gifts! :)
Love you all ... Staci