Verse of the Week

"For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgement and the fury of fire which will consume the adversaries." (Hebrews 10: 26-27)



Well, you did it! You made it through your first week of school! Ahhh! You can rest this weekend, and enjoy sleeping in tomorrow morning! :)
I hope all of you girls are signed up for Fall Retreat 2009! It is coming up next weekend, and we have some incredible things planned for you all! Darren and Lane will be doing the speaking, and we have an incredible (so i've heard :)) worship band coming to lead. The theme for the weekend is "Awaken" and the scripture we are focusing on is Ezekiel 36:26. Run!!! your rooms that is, grab your bible, and flip to Ezekiel to read what it says!
I want to encourage you all to read the passage, and pray that God will begin to prepare each of your hearts for what He wants to do in your lives next weekend. It'll be a fun time of fellowship with your peers, and also with some incredible leaders!
We also will be dividing into teams labeled by different colors and competing all weekend with games and team yells! Come prepared to sing, dig deep into God's word, laugh, and spend some incredible time away with one another and our Creator!
Look forward to you all being there! If you aren't signed up yet, turn in your blue and white form asap! :)
Leave me a comment on what YOU are looking forward to about Fall Retreat!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm Amanda! I do not attend your church but I visited on Sunday and really enjoyed your youth group. I just wanted to comment on what Ezekiel 36:26 said. I think that we can all use that in our every day life. God is such a great God that after he sees the sin that we have already done and the sin that we will do, He still loves us so much that He will forgive us and give us a new heart. A clean plate. A fresh start. He will take our heart of stone and make it a heart of flesh. I have really enjoyed looking at this blog. Thanks!
