Verse of the Week

"For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgement and the fury of fire which will consume the adversaries." (Hebrews 10: 26-27)



Good afternoon girls!
Last night I was reading in Philippians and thought that this would be a great book to go through with you girls. My thoughts are that for the next few weeks, we will cover all 4 chapters in Philippians. Lately, my posts have been random and not consistent, but this will be consistent.
If you are struggling with searching for material for a "quiet time," let this be a guide for you, if you choose. I would really encourage you all to make time each day to spend time reading God's word. If you want to hear from God, you have to make time to hear Him speak.
I hope you are excited!!! Philippians is an amazing book that overflows with joy and thanksgiving! So, go grab your bibles out of your rooms, along with a notebook and pen, and open it up to Philippians! (Toward the very end of your Bible, in the New Testament)

Just a little background on Philippians: (I hope you are taking notes!) :)
-Paul wrote this letter from prison in Rome to the church in Philippi to thank them for a gift. Paul is learning to be content in any situation. Wanting the Christians in Philippi to be unified, he challenged them to be servants just as Jesus was when he "made himself nothing" and became a man rather than clinging to the rights of his divine nature.

Chapter 1 of Philippians: Paul is urging the Philippians to stand firm in adversity by looking to joy in the gospel. (Make sure you read through Ch. 1 first, and then come back and read through the summary to make sure you are grasping the meaning.) Today we will focus on Ch. 1:1-11

Ch. 1:1-2 (Greetings from Paul and Timothy) This letter is sent to the Christians (Saints) in Philippi.

v. 3-11 Thanksgiving and Prayer:
1. His thanksgiving for them (3-8)
a. That every thought, every request in their behalf, is one
of joy (3-4)
b. For their fellowship in the gospel from the very first day
c. He is confident that God will complete the work begun in
them, for they have shared with him in his chains and the
proclamation of the gospel (6-7)
d. God is his witness to how much he longs for them with the
love of Jesus (8)
2. His prayer for them (9-11)
a. That their love abounds in knowledge and all discernment (9)
b. That they approve the things that are excellent (10a)
c. That they be sincere and without offense till Christ
returns (10b)
d. That they be filled with the fruits of righteousness (11)
1) Made possible by Jesus Christ (11a)
2) To the glory and praise of God (11b)

How do you apply this:

1) What Godly encouragement can you offer other Christians?
2) What prayer of thanksgiving can you offer for your church today?

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